Dragon Spring Living Taiji & Qigong
© Dragon Spring Taiji School 2020 - All Rights Reserved
Dragon Spring and it’s teachers
cannot accept any responsibility
for injury caused by the practice
of these movements.
Stay within your ‘Soft’ Limit,
listen to your body and respect
it’s limitations.
Taiji and Qigong are methods for
obtaining good health, not a
substitute for medical advise,
treatment or medical care. If you have
a medical condition, problem or
ailment, be sure to see a doctor for
advice before you use any of the
described methods or techniques in
this website.
A guided set of Six Simple Exercises (Standing Set)
A guided set of Six Simple Exercises (Seated Set)
Simple Qigong movements
to calm, nourish and energise.
Can be done as a set, or picked
and mixed individually.