Dragon Spring Living Taiji & Qigong
© Dragon Spring Taiji School 2020 - All Rights Reserved

No Struggling

No Straining

No Reaching

No Stretching

Don't Do anything

Struggling happens when you ask too much of yourself, when there is conflict between what you want and what is realistically possible Straining happens when you stop listening/feeling what you are capable of, thereby creating pain and possible injury Reaching happens when you see others achieving more and you begin to compete with them Stretching happens when you apply too much force and your strength or power weakens, becoming thinner, 'stretched' Don't Do anything means seeing what is required, having a clear intention to move towards your goal, applying just enough effort to begin and allowing it to reach its full potential within the limitations of your ability Fully Experience your human being-ness, let go of your human doing-ness

Fundamental ‘Rules’ for beginners

and what they mean

Essentially these 'rules' are using different words to all say the same thing: feel for and stay within your 'Soft Limit'. This way the body remains soft, becomes more flexible and supple, which in turn creates an inner 'elastic' strength based on energy rather than muscle and is achieved through true relaxation.

No Struggling

No Straining

No Reaching

No Stretching

Don't Do anything

Struggling happens when you ask too much of yourself, when there is conflict between what you want and what is realistically possible Straining happens when you stop listening/feeling what you are capable of, thereby creating pain and possible injury Reaching happens when you see others achieving more and you begin to compete with them Stretching happens when you apply too much force and your strength or power weakens, becoming thinner, 'stretched' Don't Do anything means seeing what is required, having a clear intention to move towards your goal, applying just enough effort to begin and allowing it to reach its full potential within the limitations of your ability Fully Experience your human being-ness, let go of your human doing-ness

Fundamental ‘Rules’ for beginners

and what they mean

Essentially these 'rules' are using different words to all say the same thing: feel for and stay within your 'Soft Limit'. This way the body remains soft, becomes more flexible and supple, which in turn creates an inner 'elastic' strength based on energy rather than muscle and is achieved through true relaxation.
Dragon Spring Living Taiji & Qigong